Shilpi Gosthi

Udichi Shilpi Gosthi was established in 1989 by Bengali
artists based in the UK. The organisation primarily promotes
South Asian cultural heritage in the multicultural background
of British life. It believes in implementation of equal
opportunities for all artists and actively supports policies
aiming to eliminate discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity,
gender, age, religion or disability.
Udichi has a good record of organising and managing large
and small-scale events and art festivals. It has also organised
many art workshops and seminars in various educational institutions,
libraries, community centres, youth clubs and housing estates.
Udichi also provides high quality and value for money performances
in a range of art forms at arts festivals and events.
Udichi School of Performing Arts (USPA)
Arts and Community Centre 192-196 Hanbury Street
London E1 5HU, U.K.
Essex Office: 125 Ley Street, Ilford, Essex, IG4 5PN, U.K
Tel. +447950792156 E-mail: info@udichiuk.org